Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good Day

Another year has gone by which means I'm another year older. My parents and grandmother helped me celebrate on Sunday with dinner and presents. I can't tell you how determined my grandmother can be. (I think this runs in the family, both me and my dad have it too) She wanted to get a poster of the 2008 men's Olympic basketball team. After looking everywhere she could think, she turned for advice. She called Ailene Voisen from the Sacramento Bee. Ailene is a big-time sports writer for our local paper. Well, she too didn't know where to find a team poster. She gave my grandmother an address to a man in Colorado named Craig Miller. Voisen said if she didn't hear back from Mr. Miller, to call her back.

My grandmother hand wrote to Mr. Miller asking him the same question. This was sometime in August. Finally in late October, my grandmother received an envelope from the United States Olympic Committee. Inside was a letter that read:

"Dear Mrs. Alexander, Thank you for your recent letter. Unfortunately I'm not aware of a poster being produced of the 2008 USA Basketball men's team. However, I have enclosed two copies of the team photo. I hope you will enjoy these and thank you for your continued support of USA Basketball and its teams.

Sincerely, Craig Miller."

For my birthday, my grandma gave me the framed photo. How cool is that?

My sister also helped me celebrate by buying me a round at Folsom Lake Bowl. Thanks Nicki! It was good to hang out with her and a few of my new co-workers. An awesome day!

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