Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Need to Clean

This is disgusting!

Have you ever seen a room so disheveled? Maybe that's not the right word, it's more like chaos. You can see the few open spaces of carpet. I use them as Lillie pads and jump from place to place. When I want to make it to the bed, I take one right step, and then a quick leap to the mattress. If I want the desk I hopscotch-it with three quicksteps and land in the chair. I don't mind the mess most of the time, but when I'm tired after a long day of work or exercising it become a major problem. And when that happens I'll step on anything in my path. I've broken a few CDs this way.
Strangely though I know where everything is placed. It's when I clean the disorder that items are lost. Still, this is no excuse. I'm deciding to clean in zones. First I'll work with all the laundry, then the desk, then the miscellaneous, and finally finish with vacuuming.
This may take a while.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

haha! that is pretty bad, but believe me my room gets that dirty sometimes too. But don't tell my mom...