Sunday, August 10, 2008

Southern California

I'm here - In Westminster California visiting my grandmother. The city is located between Seal Beach to the West and Santa Anna to the East. An interesting historical fact: In the early history of Westminster the farmers banned grape vineyards due to their association with alcohol. (Interesting) Also, there is a huge Vietnamese community that seems to be very established. It's common to see whole streets dedicated to Vietnamese grocery stores, churches, and other shops.

Today is pretty humid and warm. The temperature is around 79 degrees and warming. The houses here don't have air conditioning. So it becomes a little miserable when the thermostat rises above 80 degrees. It's especially hard for my cousin who is beyond mobile and lives in an RV park across the street from Hunting Beach. We visited him and his new wife last night. They have evolved into 'beach bums' this last year. They are both aspiring writers without contracts, yet. My cousin Fred is 34 and a know-it-all. And I don't mean that as an insult. He really does know a lot about everything. I wish I attained information like him - infinte memory.

Fred took my mom and I down for a late night bike ride to the beach. We jumped on his two bicycle cruisers (which are monster bikes with surf racks) and headed to the sand. At the beach all you could see where bond-fires. Everyone seemed to want a little more summer vacation before school starts. They set up every 15 feet all the way to the pier. (Which was 1.3 miles down) I wish I had brought my camera.

Anyway, a little update for you. It's time for lunch!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

o my goodness that picture is really beautiful!!!