Thursday, December 25, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Trot!

Folsom Turkey Trot 2008

From left to right: Steve, Joey, Nicki, and myself.

Dogs were welcome!

Everyone waiting for the 5K to begin

In the Parkway

There must have been at least 1,500 people The finish line!
A great way to begin Thanksgiving day, with a fundraiser. Our last minute decision meant we walked our 5K with only four employees. We tried to recruit as many as we could from Circuit City, but to no avail. However, we ejoyed ourselves and donated to a good cause.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I hate kats...

Today is one of those rare days where I actually have a lot to write about. Unfortunately I'm tired, and don't have the gumption tonight. Why can't I ever win?

I've decided to write about my friend Tom. A bunch of us ex-Borders inc employees decided to get together for a '3 year reunion'. I worked for Borders Books from 2003-2005 and made a few friends for life. Tom was is one of them. Tonight we met at the Streets of London Pub. Tom and I got to talking and he told me of his unexpected termination from Borders recently.

Tom was is one of those guys who you can't wait to see every day. He has the personality as unpredictable as the grey hairs on his short beard. And if he happened to not work on your scheduled shift, you would be disappointed with your day. Tom is also a part time minister and columnist in Folsom. You can read his articles in the Folsom Telegraph every Tuesday. He ministers at the Harbor Church held at Folsom Middle School.

Well, on with his story...

Borders in Folsom was replaced with a new director last month. Tom had worked with the same GM for the last 8-9 years. Upon the first week of the directors arrival, who we will call The Kat, Tom was given a write-up. The second week he was given another for taking an urgent phone call (which pertained to his only son) while on duty. His third and final write up was put into motion in week three. So, in the short time The Kat had been in 'office' he replaced a 9 year veteran. How could HR or corporate not take his experience into consideration?

Tom admitted to his depression because of the termination. He openly explained that in his 50 years of life, he had never taken any prescription therapy for depression, even though it runs in his family. He was proud of that fact, that he wasn't dependant. He could hold his own. But with the help of a unthoughtful management style, he has slipped into a deep dullness. Tom now sits in front of his computer day in, looking for jobs on career websites. It's a sad day when a man like Tom, is seen desolate and broken.

The world needs more Toms and fewer Kats.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good Day

Another year has gone by which means I'm another year older. My parents and grandmother helped me celebrate on Sunday with dinner and presents. I can't tell you how determined my grandmother can be. (I think this runs in the family, both me and my dad have it too) She wanted to get a poster of the 2008 men's Olympic basketball team. After looking everywhere she could think, she turned for advice. She called Ailene Voisen from the Sacramento Bee. Ailene is a big-time sports writer for our local paper. Well, she too didn't know where to find a team poster. She gave my grandmother an address to a man in Colorado named Craig Miller. Voisen said if she didn't hear back from Mr. Miller, to call her back.

My grandmother hand wrote to Mr. Miller asking him the same question. This was sometime in August. Finally in late October, my grandmother received an envelope from the United States Olympic Committee. Inside was a letter that read:

"Dear Mrs. Alexander, Thank you for your recent letter. Unfortunately I'm not aware of a poster being produced of the 2008 USA Basketball men's team. However, I have enclosed two copies of the team photo. I hope you will enjoy these and thank you for your continued support of USA Basketball and its teams.

Sincerely, Craig Miller."

For my birthday, my grandma gave me the framed photo. How cool is that?

My sister also helped me celebrate by buying me a round at Folsom Lake Bowl. Thanks Nicki! It was good to hang out with her and a few of my new co-workers. An awesome day!

Monday, November 10, 2008


I got up extra early this moring and found this out my window.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

If you want a job, break a table...

In the background you could hear The Clash's "Should I Stay, or Should I go". In the foreground you could see me leap onto one of the four circular tables in the employee room. With my Guitar Hero guitar strapped on, I air-rocked to the music. I was given scenario number four, for my interview at Circuit City. Each interviewee was given a sketch to act out. Some of the others included acting your favorite sport; or if you were a professional wrestler, what would your signature move be called and what would it look like.

There were four of us in the "City Connect" or interview. After waiting for 30 minutes for the GM to arrive we headed to the back room. We were all greeted with high-fives and ACDC as we filed into the room. The GM and current employees started off by introducing themselves and showing us a quick slide show. They asked all of us several questions and we all responded with the typical give-them-what-they-want-to-hear tone. Now, it was time to get down to business. Literally.

I was lucky enough to go second. I was given the scenario of rocking out to a song provided by Guitar Hero. Well, I had to show-up Greg. He's the customer service manager and had mean intro when we first walked in. With his rock-out he slide on the floor, kicked chair, and almost broken guitar, he was tough competition. Now it was my turn to show these 'kids' how it was done. The music started and I pulled out a blue guitar pick from my wallet. (I don't know why, I always keep it there) I couldn't have planned the opening to my performance any better. I leaned into my power stance, and gave a nice I-own-the-world glare to everyone. It was time for some action. I bounced to the beat and threw in a little head bobbing. My audience was getting into my performance. They all looked like they were enjoying themselves. So I had to turn it up a notch. I jumped on top of the center table. I figured this wouldn't be enough, some other guy/gal must have done this before. I thought, I better add something to this.

My left leg lead the way as I made my move for the second table. As my foot landed, the table under me began to move. The landing table slipped about 2 feet forward. My right leg, still on the first table, luckily went straight down. My launch had caused the first table to fall straight over. With my left leg still on top of the second table, my right foot hit the ground. I thought I was a goner. If the first table hadn't tipped over, if it would have stayed up or slid back, I would have done the splits in mid air - between two tables. I landed with my legs frozen in ninety degrees. No groin had been pulled.

My embarrassment couldn't have been more noticed. I hurried to correct the fallen table and slid them closer together. My face felt like it was going to melt and my heart was in my throat. I don't know what shade I turned, but it must have been close to hot-rod red. Everyone in the room burst into laughter and applauded my efforts. Greg examined both tables and found one couldn't handle my power move and cracked.

I got the job.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

20 Miles!

Yes, we did it, 20 miles in the rain. We ran from, what I call, the new Folsom bridge (across from Karen's Bakery) to Gold River. The rain made for a refreshing training run. The temperature was something in the low 60's and almost zero wind. I wish I had a helmet cam or something I could show for my run, but my training watch will have to be the proof!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sofa Hooks

*Disclaimer: This post is a random musing of my afternoon. If you're looking for something with more depth, try this.*

I went into Borders tonight to browse for a new read. It's been a while since I walked around a bookstore without a purchase in mind. I found a ton of books that looked interesting, but I promised myself I would only bring one home. I started in the Travel section, where I looked for books on Nida, Lithuania. The Eastern Europe section isn't very big at Borders, and finding a spine that read Lithuania was almost impossible. Finally I found a LonelyPlanet titled Lithuania, Latvia, and Riga. The section on Nida has some good details on bus schedules and places of interest, so I shoved it under my arm and kept meandering.

Next was fiction. I guess you could divide fiction into several categories. In fiction you'll find Mystery, Mystery/Thriller, plain Fiction, Romance, Western, Horror, Horror/Mystery, and last but not least Science Fiction. Now, I'll admit, I'm the type of person that judges a book by it's cover. It's the first thing I see on the shelf! I also lookout for multiple copies. I figure, if a store has more than 6 copies of a book, they must anticipate it to sell and it be in demand. (And in turn usually, I conform to the majority and pick one up.) Tonight was different, I guess. I saw this dingy green paperback, and it was the only one of it's kind. The plot sounded good on the back flap, so I added it to Lithuania, Latvia, and Riga.

After walking aimlessly for another hour and browsing the entire store, I had picked up four books. It was decision-making time. Did I want Lithuania, dingy green, language, or history? I sat down in Border's comfy black leather armchair and read the first paragraph in each book.

-Now that I'm home, I realize how unfair this was for the non-fiction books. They don't have to provide a hook!-

I like getting a feel for author's writing styles before choosing. After reading the four paragraphs, I made-up my mind and chose Germ, by Robert Liparulo. I won't type-out the first paragraph which gripped me. All I have to say is, I am a big thriller buff. The intro is a bit graphic too, so I'll leave it for you to read.

I was tagged!

Names you go by
1) Jeff
2) Jeffrey
3) Jay
4) Jeffrey-Clark
5) J-Alex
6) Alex

3 Restaurants I love
1) Elephant Bar and Grill
2) Samurai Sushi
3) Red Lobster

3 Trips to plan on this year
1) (Not really this year, March 2009) Study in Russia!
2) Pleasenton, CA
3) Oregon

3 Things you want badly
1) To be fluent in another language
2) To travel
3) The new Canon 5d mark II EOS camera (It's amazing, due this November)

3 Pets you have/had (There are many)
1) Jake - Jack Russel Terrier
2) Shaq - German Shepherd
3) Rocky - Chameleon
4) Jack & Gill - Chameleons
5) Snake - Kenyan Sand Boa
6) Petunia - Leopard Gecko (She lived to be 13 years old, got her when I was 7!)
7) Missy and Dusty (Current pets - German Shepherd and Pitbull/Terrier mix)

3 Things you did yesterday
1) Watched the 49ers game
2) Cut down a tree in Grandma's backyard
3) Played in a soccer game

3 Things you ate today
1) Mini-Wheats
2) Banana
3) Turkey and Guac Sandwich

3 Fears
1) Drowning
2) Public Humiliation
3) Not living up to expectations!

3 Things you plan on doing today
1) Gym
2) Babysitting
3) Watching Heroes

3 Things you plan on doing tomorrow
1) Yard work for Grandma
2) Running
3) Get a haircut

3 Favorite Holidays
1) Christmas
2) Thanksgiving
3) Halloween

3 Favorite beverages
1) Water
2) Green Tea
3) Pepsi (I've been clean for 5 months)

3 people I tag
1) Nobody?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Run!

Check out the elevation!

Average Pace: 13.35 (This includes the short breaks)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Apple Hill - Photo Entry

Fall is here and that means the apples are in full harvest!

First stop: High Hill RanchThey must have just loaded their pond. Schools of fish filled the water.
Accorns littered the ground and Victoria found every single one of them.

Victoria was deep in thought. What does an 18 month old daydream about?

This goat was hungry.

So Victoria decided to stare him down.

Then it snowed! The flurry lasted about 20 minutes, so we had lunch in the car!

Plubel's Farm in the snow.

After the sun came back out, it was time for the pumpkin patch.

Mom and Victoria.

Victoria sharing her thoughts about the day!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

No Title Today

In the past few weeks I've helped a cousin move into his new place, bought a Samsung flat-screen, and experienced all that is Cabela's. And now it's back to business. During those two weeks I didn't exercise once, nor did I eat clean. I felt pretty disgusting after I got home last week. Some of the words I would use to describe the feeling are: sluggish, fatigued, sloth-like, apathetic, and torpid. (All of these words can be found in The New American Roget's Thesaurus)

This week has gone by much healthier. I started out by running with Stephanie, who thankfully invites me for her long runs. We ran 15.03 miles, and I really felt the last .03. I felt bad, just as it felt like we were almost finished, Stephanie asked, "how far have we been?" I looked at the GPS and mistakenly said "14.69", or somewhere close to that. What the GPS really read was 13.69. But we trudged onward around the block for the last mile. Sorry Stephanie!

What else is new...

Oh yes, I've applied for a part time job at The City. They are no longer Circuit City, just The City. This is my attempt to save a little extra before leaving in March. I'm hoping they will give me a job and not turn me away. Everywhere else I've applied with has denied my application because I'm leaving in 5 months. I don't really blame them though. Who wants to go through the process of hiring someone, who's just going to vanish in a couple months? I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cyclebration 2008

Went off with a hit! The blogs I've read about this first annual event are very positive. The only negative outcome of the Cyclebration was the TRAFFIC. Holy Cow! I drove from Greenback onto Folsom Auburn and it took me 30 mins to clear the bridge. I had enough time after the Treasure Hunt, to watch a little racing action. I'm not sure which exhibition was happening while filming, but it was fun. Enjoy this short clip.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Project Better Place

Today my dad and I were talking about the price of oil and how it's had an affect on the global economy. We both talked about the situation between Russia and Georgia. And how the two presidential candidates also seem to have a solution for this shortage. But my dad mentioned that a solution might already be on the way. He said Robert Kennedy jr. was involved with project in Israel who planned to be oil free in about 3 years.

So being the curious person I am I did a little digging and found Project Better Place. It's an Israel funded project contracted with Nissan autos. With Better Place, Israel plans to be petroleum free by 2010! How awesome is that? PBP, who has raised $200 million, will provide electric recharge grids while Nissan autos provides the electric vehicles. Together they are creating a gasoline free country. They will generate renewable energy from wind and solar sources.

It's also been mentioned that the states of Hawaii and San Francisco are taking part in this 'breath easy' project.

My only question is: will Nissan produce electric 18 wheelers?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Victoria, My Niece

So lately I've been working mornings at the complex, and this has given me a new opportunity in the eyes of my sister. Why not babysit in the afternoons? This is the way it's been the last few weeks; work in the morning and baby at night! woohoo! Victoria and I have spent some quality time together and I think I'm getting the hang of this baby care thing. We went for a walk the other day, just around the block. We saw lots of ''tees'' and ''dogeeees'' around the neighborhood.

Favorite activities:
Opening low kitchen cabinets
Playing with curious george
Moving dinning chairs
Trying to get uncle to chase her
Playing puppets
Going outside
Dance to "Head, shoulder, knees and toes"

Favorite things:
Curious George
computer mouse
cell phones

Favorite Words:
"Uppee" - combination of the words: up and please
"Ja-jou" - Pacifier: we have no idea
"Crak-kuh" - Cracker
"our-ide" - Outside
"Hux!" - the sound you make when you're started, kind of an inhale. She does this when she sees something new or exciting.
"Eet" - Eat

She's a sponge: It's a common past time Victoria to imitate animal sounds. We always play this game where we ask her, "What does a cow say?" or "What does a duck say?". Well as a joke, I always imitate a turkey when we see them in the front yard. Yesterday, for fun, I asked Victoria, "What does a Turkey say?" and she mimicked my tongue rolling turkey gobble.
I couldn't have been any prouder. I taught my niece how to call Turkeys.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

W1R1 (Week 1 / Run 1)

You will have to click the image to see any detail.

I couldn't be any more ambitious with training. I went out and bought new shoes and a training watch. Now it's time to rack up the miles!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Just do it

Next step:
Buy a good pair of running shoes. I went to Metro Sport today to see what they could recommend. I walked in with my very used Asics and the two fit sales persons looked at me. I think they could tell I was fresh meat. They knew just by looking at me, I was a newbie. Maybe it was my lingo, or my uneasiness to enter the store.

I'm always hesitant to enter this shop. In the past when I've gone in, I'm only surrounded by super-fit individuals. Whether it be staff or customers, male or female, the people there are ridiculously beautiful. Most of them have perfect tans, ultra calves, and figures of superheroes. It sucks, I feel like the pale uncoordinated kid who gets picked last for kick-ball.

Anyway, the sales associates saw me coming a mile away. The blond girl was the first to greet me. She asked if she could help. I hesitated, not knowing if her question was genuine or plagued with commission. After an awkward pause I gave in, coming to terms with myself. What did I know about running? I told her my new goal to run a marathon. Being the perfect saleswoman she asked my shoe size and wanted me to walk in front of her barefoot. I thought this was an awkward request. But she only wanted to check the arch in my foot. After this prerequisite initiation, she went to the back.

Meanwhile, her co-working started up a casual conversation. The buzz-cut associate asked which run I wanted to run. I told him the CIM and I hadn't the slightest idea what I was doing. He could feel my pain, literally, and more. He was recovering from a bicycle accident. He had slight amnesia and couldn't remember the total account. But from what he was told, his foot pedal broke causing him to skid trait into asphalt. A few days ago he was wearing a neck brace. He mentioned how liberating it was to move his neck.

The blond came back with three pairs of shoes. I tried each set and found these!

And the left shoe has this cool foot pod for training purposes. You are able to purchase this food pod system which measures distance and pace while running by preditermined stride length. I haven't decided if I want to shell over another sixty dollars, but we'll see how 'hard core' I become with all this.

Freakin' sweet!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Marathon Madness

I'm going to do it. I'm going to train for a marathon if it kills me. With a little convincing and inspiration from friends I have made the choice to push straight for a finish line. My goal- the CIM (California International Marathon). Twenty Six miles of road running, tread grinding, and chest pounding are what I look forward to the most. Of course I can't start out with that type of mileage, but I have started out with two, four mile jogs. And besides a little left knee inflammation, I'm feeling good.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Максим (Maxim)

This is Максим. He is one of the many kids who live at Internat No. 1 in Советск, Russia. From what I know, he is your typical 16 year old boy. He loves soccer, girls, and music. He's very open at the summer camp and embraces friends. However, I think now that he becoming a young man, he is putting on what I call the "Russian Front", where he tends to stand off from interactions that aren't socially, in his world, 'with-it'. I noticed this in particular this year. It's sad that it has to be this way for him to be accepted.
However, when I think about it, it's just the same as any other teenager you meet here in America. It's not cool to be seen with your parents or to show outward emotions.
I hope next year he will still acknowledge the American and friend he has known since 2006.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Newest Video

Well, here it is. I think last year's was better, but I didn't take nearly as many pictures this July. Enjoy...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Southern California

I'm here - In Westminster California visiting my grandmother. The city is located between Seal Beach to the West and Santa Anna to the East. An interesting historical fact: In the early history of Westminster the farmers banned grape vineyards due to their association with alcohol. (Interesting) Also, there is a huge Vietnamese community that seems to be very established. It's common to see whole streets dedicated to Vietnamese grocery stores, churches, and other shops.

Today is pretty humid and warm. The temperature is around 79 degrees and warming. The houses here don't have air conditioning. So it becomes a little miserable when the thermostat rises above 80 degrees. It's especially hard for my cousin who is beyond mobile and lives in an RV park across the street from Hunting Beach. We visited him and his new wife last night. They have evolved into 'beach bums' this last year. They are both aspiring writers without contracts, yet. My cousin Fred is 34 and a know-it-all. And I don't mean that as an insult. He really does know a lot about everything. I wish I attained information like him - infinte memory.

Fred took my mom and I down for a late night bike ride to the beach. We jumped on his two bicycle cruisers (which are monster bikes with surf racks) and headed to the sand. At the beach all you could see where bond-fires. Everyone seemed to want a little more summer vacation before school starts. They set up every 15 feet all the way to the pier. (Which was 1.3 miles down) I wish I had brought my camera.

Anyway, a little update for you. It's time for lunch!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

"If humanism were right in declaring that man is born to be happy, he would not be born to die. Since his body is doomed to die, his task on earth evidently must be of a more spiritual nature. It cannot unrestrained enjoyment of everyday life. It cannot be the search for the best ways to obtain material goods and then cheerfully get the most out of them. It has to be the fulfillment of a permanent, earnest duty so that one's life journey may become an experience of moral growth, so that one may leave life a better human being than one started it. It is imperative to review the table of widespread human values. Its present incorrectness is astounding. It is not possible that assessment of the President's performance be reduced to the question of how much money one makes or of unlimited availability of gasoline. Only voluntary, inspired self-restraint can raise man above the world stream of materialism."

-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Harvard Commencement Address

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Photo Entry

Here are few random pictures I took today around the house.
This is a Giant Sequoia Redwood. I brought this back after backpacking through Kings Canyon in Central California. Of course, it was purchased legally at a gift-shop and not uprooted from the forest. These grow to be largest Redwoods in the world. If you ever have the chance to visit the Giant Sequoia Forest, don't pass the opportunity.

Here is a cactus I've had for 5 years. I don't pay much attention too it. It was given to me by my grandmother, for what reason I don't know.

This is a Plumeria we brought back from Hawaii two years ago. These are the trees that produce the flowers you see on common Hawaiian lays.

And last but not least, this is my adorable niece Victoria. She's 16 months now and couldn't have any more energy. Her top two teeth are coming in and she certainly feels them. If you look close you can see her hair changing color. When she was born she came out with a deep saturated hazel, but now it's turning into a light amber blond. Amazing.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Need to Clean

This is disgusting!

Have you ever seen a room so disheveled? Maybe that's not the right word, it's more like chaos. You can see the few open spaces of carpet. I use them as Lillie pads and jump from place to place. When I want to make it to the bed, I take one right step, and then a quick leap to the mattress. If I want the desk I hopscotch-it with three quicksteps and land in the chair. I don't mind the mess most of the time, but when I'm tired after a long day of work or exercising it become a major problem. And when that happens I'll step on anything in my path. I've broken a few CDs this way.
Strangely though I know where everything is placed. It's when I clean the disorder that items are lost. Still, this is no excuse. I'm deciding to clean in zones. First I'll work with all the laundry, then the desk, then the miscellaneous, and finally finish with vacuuming.
This may take a while.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Джеф'с Блог

The header means Jeff's Blog in Russian. I like to think I know how to spell and write in a cyrillic language. But the truth is I have only taken two handfuls of Russian Language classes. I think it would be fun to run around the house and post-it everything with Russian nouns. It would be a good way to learn! Although, there could be problems.

Sister: "Jeff...................why is there a post-it on your niece?"

Long time no blog

Yes, so it's been a while. But I'm back! I hope you all have enjoyed your vacation because now is the time to write.... as soon as I finish dinner.